appendiculatum K.D. Hyde
Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 29: 339, 1988
Appearing on host fronds as black, raised dome-shaped spots, up to 530
m m in diam., with a small central papilla, and containing one ascoma.
Ascomata developing below the clypeus, lenticular in section, with variable
amounts of the stromatic tissue laterally, 120-180 m m high, 330-510 m
m in diam., dark-brown to black, ostiolate, periphysate.
Asci: 110-169 x 7.8-9.8 m
m, 8-spored, long-cylindrical, mostly straight, pedunculate, tip rounded
containing a ring-like apical apparatus.
Ascospores: 75-120 x 2.2-3.5 m
m, hyaline, filiform, straight or very slightly curved, singly and in
mass, containing numerous refringent septum-like bands, apex rounded and
slightly wider, base narrower and provided with an appendage, appearing
as a polar swelling with a flattened end (bell-shaped) containing mucilage.